8:00 AM - CROSSFit: ROOM A223 - Led by Stan Gaus & Steve Howard
our Message Life Group Guides this group will discuss the Sermons on
Sunday morning and dig deeper into the Scripture from sermons. 40s and up
9:30 AM - CHURCH BUILDERS: ROOM A219 - Led By Michael Duke & Dan Fowler
Using a Standard Sunday School Curriculum this group is always open to new folks looking for great fellowship and Biblical Teaching on Sunday Morning.
9:30 AM ONE HEART LIFE GROUP - JOY ROOM - Led by a rotation of leaders. Offering a variety of studies for women. We are a very supportive group of women who are focusing on building relationships with God and others, as well as gaining a better understanding of God's word. Group is mostly women 40 and up, however, all women are welcome.
11:00 AM - FELLOWSHIP: ROOM A223 - Led by Dwight Meadows & Gene Floyd Great group of people who love Jesus and great teaching on the Bible and the Church. 60 and up.
10:00 AM - BEREANS: ROOM A219 - Led by Barney Barnett & Butch Dunsmore
Teaching a variety of Biblical Studies with a great group of leaders in our church. Predominantly a group of retired people who love the church!
11:00 AM - ORANGE LIFE GROUP - CONFERENCE ROOM (CHURCH OFFICE) - LED BY TERRY ORANGE - Using many different Bible Studies to teach God's word and gaining an understanding of following Christ today. 30s and up.
11:00 AM - VAUGHN LIFE GROUP - JOY ROOM - LED BY CHRIS VAUGHN - Beginning in late August, 2022 Using different Bible Studies and Right Now Media to experience God and provide a loving environment. 20s and up.