Early Childhood & Elementary

Online Programming

Sunday, may 24th

Children’s Programming

Hello there! It’s Matt & Alex here. We miss you all so much, but we are so excited for what we have in store for you all! While we are not together, we still want to provide you with the lessons that we are focusing on through videos. Our videos this week continue to talk about humility.  Not only do we have a lesson for you, but also worship songs that we dance and sing to each week. Take time to go through the worship songs and have your students lead you in our dance moves and songs. Make sure to take a video of them doing this and send it in to us. During our videos and lessons, we may ask for your kids input or to do something in order to stay connected. You can send us these photos and videos to our email. We miss each and every one of their smiling faces. 


Our lessons for this week can be found on our Shelby Christian Church page on Right Now Media. 


Follow this link to get there: https://www.rightnowmedia.org/CustomLibrary/7490


If your child is in the Early Childhood, go to the Early Childhood videos. For kids in Kindergarten-5th grade, go to the Elementary videos.


If you don’t have an account, you can create one for free under Shelby Christian Church at the following link: https://shelbychristian.org/adults/rightnow-media


We want to provide your students with absolutely everything that we can. In order to do that, we have a few different resources that we have set up for you and your students. Here we will provide a list of these things:


Email: We have set up an email account specifically for our Early Childhood and Elementary Ministry. If you, your children, or anyone you know has any prayer request, special needs, need to talk, or would like to send photos or videos of your students participating in our activities, please email us at shelbychristiankids@gmail.com This email will be ran by both of us.


Phone: If you would like to text us during lessons, about lessons, or all of the above, you can text us at the following numbers:


Alex: (502)385-4748

Matt: (502)385-4725


Facebook: If you would like to join the Early Childhood or Elementary Ministry facebook pages, send us a message and we will send you a request.


Instagram: You can find us at the following accounts-

Elementary Ministry: @shelbychristiankids

Early Childhood: @scc_early_childhood


Text/ Email Chain: If you are not receiving our updates by text or email and want to, please let us know and we will get you set up with that. 


Zoom: Zoom is something new for the children’s ministry that is used to have face to face conversations. We will be scheduling times where we will be available on zoom to have conversations with your students, along with some of their favorite leaders while we are not meeting on campus. Also, if your student would like their own time to talk with us or just could use encouragement or pick me up, message us directly and we will schedule a separate time to do so. It is a free app/ website, all you have to do is sign up and download which can be done here:





Along with these videos and activities, we would also like to suggest downloading the Parent Cue App on your phone. This App has been created by the Orange curriculum that we use. It will provide you with information on the lessons and more activities that you can do with your family. It is totally free and will connect you with our church on the App. Once you download the App, it will ask you to create an account. When you have finished creating the account, it will log you out and you must verify your email before logging back in. Once you have logged back in, you will build your profile and add each of your children. Based off of your children’s age, it will provide you with the lessons and resources needed to dig deeper into what we talk about each and every week. If you would like more information about the app, you can go to this link and watch the video: https://theparentcue.org/resources/app-promo-kit/?fbclid=IwAR1zHKrPlhMPb5MmEvI2pIKH6H2kaQiWmZxXnUWDpULjtn_czRDRg7GGQ9o


We also want to encourage you to sign up for the parents cue email to receive more resources. You can do so by following this link: https://theparentcue.org


With everything that is happening in our world today, it is so easy for anxiety and nervousness to set in. If you feel like your child or children are experiencing this or may experience this, we want to provide you with some resources. 


For the parents : https://theparentcue.org/managing-fear-and-anxiety-during-a-health-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR2W8j2O34RXI4RCP1mavu8vcLx_Z6fwMk0iuNOevC-P2NA6ooYLkJ3DYRA


For students in the Early Childhood Program: https://theparentcue.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Anxiety_CG_Preschool.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0rygTECRWVWy7p6c0k9aLG7tpqfu6xYCdhX_1DkHp-F45vuiikHx6oMzU


For students in the Elementary Program: https://theparentcue.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Anxiety_CG_Elementary.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3LVWRrrAmlOg8xMrp0gYPFDIcLe82S3WNIv6UcjnzmyvuJHo2aFLUqBS4


Along with these conversation guides, we highly recommend the Helping Kids Navigate Anxiety podcast which is linked here: https://orangeblogs.org/252basics/okp-022-helping-kids-navigate-anxiety-naming-the-worry-monster/?fbclid=IwAR0qH4CbfmyU_JqQ4Xzg3_y2W9HkAQW1K5sf02j4FKK1kClRn3OCvXxHvw8


Another resource we offer church wide is Right Now Media. This website provides you with a variety of videos, movies, shows and lessons for all ages. All you have to do is sign up through the church website. Here is the link: https://shelbychristian.org/adults/rightnow-media


While we are sad that we do not get to see each and everyone of you this Sunday, we want to encourage you to use this time to worship together as a family and celebrate everything that God has given us. We will miss each and everyone of your sweet hugs and high fives and cannot wait to see you next!


Praying for you and your families!


Matt Krebs & Alex Barry


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


For more information on what will happen next, keep checking back here. If you have any questions or need our help in anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at agoode@shelbychristian.org (Alex) or mkrebs@shelbychristian.org (Matt) or by calling us at 502-633-5975. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 



Wednesday, May 20th Lesson

Hey everyone! Matt & Alex here. We miss you all, but we are so excited for what God is allowing us to do through all of this! While we are not together, we still want to provide you with a lesson that we are focusing on through videos. 

Today we are continuing our study that focuses on the book of Ephesians and learning about God’s plan. After watching the video, we have provided you with a few questions that can help us to remember what we learned, but also make us think even more about God’s plan. In order to access the video, you will need a Right Now Media account. It is completely free and offers more awesome studies and shows for the entire family. If you do not have an account, you can sign up here: https://shelbychristian.org/adults/rightnow-media


We have also provided a couple of our favorite worship songs in the Elementary Ministry. Video your kids dancing and singing and send it us! Enjoy this time learning the worship songs that your students sing each and every week. Have them teach you the dance moves. The lyrics are included, so you can sing along too! 

This Wednesday Night's lesson: https://www.rightnowmedia.org/CustomLibrary/7490

You will go under the Elementary tab and click on the lesson labeled "Wednesday, May 20th Programming"

If you have any questions or need something, please contact us by email shelbychristiankids@gmail.com, text 502-385-4748 (Alex), or by calling us at 502-633-5975. 

Have a wonderful night!