What about the services--are they traditional, contemporary, or somewhere in between?
Our Sunday morning worship services are contemporary in style, in a relaxed, casual environment. Weekly messages are centered on the Good News about Jesus, based on the enduring Word of God, and presented in a practical, conversational manner.
How often do you have Communion?
We celebrate Communion every week, partaking of a small cracker and some grape juice to remind us of what Jesus did for us when He died in our place.
What does Shelby Christian teach concerning baptism?
We believe baptism is a necessary step in becoming a follower of Jesus, and we practice baptism by immersion. Individuals are encouraged to make this step of faith whenever they feel God's call. It is not uncommon for baptisms to occur throughout the week or to see them on Sunday mornings. There are baptism classes available for all ages.
What is the size of your congregation?
Around 1,100 people attend our weekly worship services--but we have plenty of room for more!
What about my kids?
SCC has quality ministries for preschool, elementary and teenage youth. Please check out the YOUTH tab for more information. Please check out the CHILDREN & STUDENTS page for more information.
How do I get involved?
We believe there is no way to get closer to the heart of God than to serve others and connect with a group of believers. This includes Adult Bible Fellowships, Life Groups, Men's and Women's groups, among others. For more information about how to get connected, contact Bobby Woods here.
How can I find out more about your church?
Please email any additional questions to info@shelbychristian.org.